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What is My IP Address

Find My IP Address Location

Do you know the IP address you usually search for on websites like is called public IP address? Do you know that you are only able to find location of your public IP address? And here it comes your private or router IP address which is not disclosed on internet and there are no geolocation database for it. On this page you can find your public and local or private IP address both in IPv4 address and IPv6 address versions. My IP location shows your IP address, country, City, Region, ISP name, TimeZone, Dialing Code, PTR record etc.

What is My IP?

Welcome to What is My IP (.live). Your IP address information is something very important for your online presence. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to know your own IP address. For example: for online gamming etc. provides you with IP Lookup Tools which give you with access to perform tasks such as IP Address location lookup, Domain to IP, Reverse Check, Speed Test, IP Blacklist check, Proxy checker, IP Whois Lookup, DNS Lookup etc.

What is an IP Address?

IP Adress is a numerical address which is assigned to each connection to the internet. It is the address through which devices communicate with other devices on the internet. What is an IP address

What is IPv4 Address vs IPv6 Address

IPv4 address is most used form of IP address today. Howerver, due to limitation of IPv4 in numbers, a new version of IP address is released which is known as IPv6. An IPv6 address looks like this 2700:1005:b062:61e4:54d7:f292:631c:cvcv and an IPv4 addresses looks like this What is IP v4 and IP v6 ?

How can I trace My IP Location?

Trace and find my IP Address location information using IP Location Lookup tool, just write IP address or domain name and click on " IP Lookup" button. Our IP lookup tool will show you with detailed IP Address location information for example: Country, City, Region, ISP, Time Zone currency, Calling Code, Address on Google Maps etc. There are many other IP tools where you can check IP whois, blacklist check, whois domain, DNS Lookup, Reverse DNS Lookup, Proxy Detection, Trace Email source etc.

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Speed Test

An internet speed test can allow you to test speed of your internet connection using our Speed Test tool, so that you can compare speed results with the bandwidth speed you were promised by your ISP. Speed Test result will help you determine if your internet connection is providing value for money or not.

Speed Test

Proxy Checker

Users can use proxies to hide their IP addresses, you can use our proxy checker tool to know if you are using a proxy or not. Our tool will tell if we are able to detect a proxy or not.

Proxy Check

Change IP

There are many ways to change or hide your IP address. In this tutorial we will show you how can you change your IP address or hide ip address using different techniques and methods. This is includes windows user.

Change My IP
Mon IP