What is IPv4 address and IPv6 address?

Difference Between IPv4 address and IPv6 address

There are two type of IP addresses. IP version 4 and IP version 6. IPv4 has been there for a long time. Howerver, due to revolution of internet many devices and users need to be assigned an IP address to communicate over the internet. Therefore, due to technical limitation of IP v4 a new IP v6 was introduced which is being adopted by the internet world. IP v4 remains the most used IP address version.

IPv4 Address

IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol Address Version 4. It enables devices to communicate with each other over the internet. IP v4 remains the most used internet protocol address today. The technology on which our internet, web and internet communication network is based will soon be exhausted. IP version 4 looks like .

IPv6 Address

Internet Protocol Address Version 6 (IP v6) is the successor to IPv4. It functions the same as IPv4 with major difference that it utilizes 128-bit addresses. Therefore, IPv6 can support 2^128 Internet addresses — 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to be calculated. It means that IP v6 can support all internet devices for a very very long time. Example of IP v6 address: 2700:1005:b062:61e4:54d7:f292:631c:cvcv

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