DNS Lookup Tool

DNS Lookup allows you to gather inside DNS information of a domain name. Our online DNS check tool will display various DNS details such as A record, CNAME, MX record, name servers etc.


How to Check DNS details ?

To trace DNS details of a certain domain name, just write the desired domain name and click on "LOOKUP" button. Our DNS lookup tool will instantly show detailed DNS details immediately.

Does DNS test provide all DNS information?

Our DNS test tool tries it's best to fetch all the publically available DNS information about a domain name. If a domain name is behind a proxy for example: using CloudFlare, our tool may show proxy IP address rather than masked IP.

What is DNS (Domain Name System) record?

DNS record or Domain Name system is a system that points a domain name to physical IP address.

What information does this DNS lookup tool provide?

Whatismyip.live DNS lookup provide detailed information against a top level domain name. DNS analysis includes folllowing information:

  • Domain IP Address
  • Domain A record
  • Name Servers record e.g: ns1 and ns2
  • MX record information (mail server records)
  • TXT records such as SPF, Domainkeys etc.
  • Domain SOA records


Recent DNS Lookups

kraken12r.at 1 hour ago
kraken12s.at 2 hours ago
bestwatertreatmentphoenix.xyz 2 hours ago
raymondchabot.com 11 hours ago
microloans.kz 11 hours ago
horshosting.com 11 hours ago
elements-of-war.com 11 hours ago
visionpressmedia.com 13 hours ago
blackshawbeat.info 14 hours ago
karandeepsingh.ca 15 hours ago