IP Backlist Check

This IP Blacklist Check tool allows you to check your IP address status against various known anti-spam blacklists. Blacklist Check results will provide you with list of major databases that track blacklisted IP address. Clean IP address will see "Not Listed" result while "Listed" will indiciate an IP address listing in respected blacklist service database. Most of these blacklists maintain database against email spam.

Blacklist Status for your IP:

Blacklist Description Status


IP Blacklist / IP Reputation Check

This tool allows you to check reputation of any IP address against major blacklists such as DNSBL, RBL etc.

IP blacklists are maintained by various organizations, including anti-spam organizations, security companies, and individual users who report malicious activity. These organizations gather information about IP addresses and domain names associated with spam, malware, phishing attacks, and other types of malicious activity, and add them to their blacklists.

When an IP address is added to a blacklist, any incoming traffic from that address may be automatically blocked or flagged for further review. This can cause problems for legitimate users who share the same IP address, such as a group of users on the same local network or even an entire internet service provider (ISP).

It is important for website owners and administrators to regularly monitor their IP addresses to ensure that they are not blacklisted, as being listed can impact their ability to communicate with customers and conduct business online. In case an IP address is blacklisted, there are steps that can be taken to remove it from the blacklist and restore its reputation.

Read More: What are IP Blacklists?

How do I remove my IP Address from blacklist ?

To get your IP address removed from blacklist database please contact the respective blacklist directly since we cannot perform IP removal request on your behalf. We have written a dedicated article on this topic you may want to read How to remove IP address from Blacklists

Show my own IP Address information?

Go to what is my ip live home page to see your own public or private IPv4 address and IPv6 address. You can then copy that IP address to test against blacklists on this tool.

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